Jimi Hendrix Experience, The Move, and Pink Floyd Package Tour Plays Colston Hall in Bristol
On November 24, 1967 the Package Tour arrived in Bristol to play the Colston Hall in Bristol. The Bristol Evening Post published a review of the concert the next day, “In the hall, youths hurled abuse at performers, but the trouble died down as officials brought the shouting minority under control. But the incidents did not spoil a triumphant return of Hendrix to the first city to put him into the charts. He paid tribute to Bristol over the microphone and then launched into the wildest, noisiest pop music of all... He received a frenzy of applause.”
Vintage Rock Posters offers a $15,000 reward for original concert posters of the 1967 tour package. If you have an authentic Hendrix, Pink Floyd, and the Move band package poster for Colston Hall in Bristol, please take pictures of it and send them to rareboard@aol.com.
Colston Hall in Bristol
Another attendee said, “I was lucky enough to witness one of the most incredible touring promotion shows ever seen. Top of the bill were the Jimi Hendrix Experience, who by then had already been in the top 20 four times with hit singles like Hey Joe & Purple Haze. The other acts on this tour were The Move, Pink Floyd, Amen Corner, The Nice, Eire Apparent, and The Outer limits. With that many acts on the bill they weren’t on stage for long. I remember being quite awestruck by Jimi Hendrix. The things he did with his guitar were unbelievable. The bottom of the bill acts only had enough time on stage to play one or two numbers, and even Pink Floyd were only given about 15 minutes...I seem to remember that the Move closed the first half of the show and would certainly have included their top twenty hits, “Flowers In The Rain” & “I Can Hear The Grass Go,” in their set. The Nice weren’t high on the bill, but were a talented band featuring Keith Emerson on Hammond Organ…”
If you have an original Hendrix, Pink Floyd, and the Move band package poster for Colston Hall in Bristol, please take pictures of it and send them to rareboard@aol.com.